Alexander Maconochie Centre, Canberra, ACT
Environmental sustainability meets maximum security
The Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) is the prison for persons who are sentenced to full-time imprisonment and remand. The facility is located in Hume, south-east of Canberra, ACT.
Energy saving measures
Designed with Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) in mind, the centre incorporates sustainable initiatives such as: 2.1 million litres of below ground fresh water storage, grey water recycling for toilet flushing and irrigation, solar hot water and high grade building insulation.
Continuing the focus on energy saving measures, a recent requirement for the ACT Government Justice and Community Safety (JACS) Directorate was to decrease energy usage by 50% across the AMC facility.
Less waste with LED retrofit
Having previously supplied the existing fittings Vandalux and Vandaguard T8 to the facility, Pierlite was well placed to develop an LED replacement program that would guarantee the required energy savings.
Harnessing the power of LED, Pierlite’s approach was to replace the old 80W T8 Vandaguards with a 42W LED retrofit, 40W T8’s with the 22W LED retrofit, and 12W LED retrofit was used to replace the existing 20W T8 Vandaguard. The upgrade also included the emergency monitored version of the Vandalux LED – which has now become a standard product for the prison in its current expansion upgrade. Pierlite also retrofitted the exterior carpark and area lighting using the Sylvania SL10, a luminaire that ensures a constant light level while providing maximum energy savings.
Pierlite’s development of a complete retrofit kit allowed the facility to re-use the current Vandaguard base, meaning less wastage of materials. This also meant that the work was able to be completed quickly, significantly reducing install costs and minimising disruptions to the operations of the prison.
Accurate scheduling of deliveries was another critical consideration for this project, with the contractor only being able to install lighting with the supervision of prison officers, and in areas of the prison that were isolated by a strict schedule.
A secure, sustainable future
Pierlite’s ability to design custom luminaires, as well as our in-house engineering support and flexible, dedicated project management expertise all came together to deliver the ACT Government JACS requirements of a 50% energy saving for the AMC facility.
The LED retrofit solution provided will mean reduced energy usage and maintenance costs for years to come, helping to secure this correctional facility’s sustainable reputation for the future.
The International Towers, Barangaroo
The largest commercial installation of LED lighting.